Ways to Give
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By giving to The Arc of East Central Iowa, you’re supporting programs and services to help those with intellectual and developmental disabilities within our community.
Your contributions help us in our fight for equality and inclusion, empowering people to live the lives they want in work, home, and play.

Annual Campaign & Events
You can help in The Arc’s annual campaign or events with a donation. All proceeds benefit our programs and consumers who enjoy the services and opportunities we sponsor.
- The Annual Campaign – Our largest, annual themed campaign encourages donations from people like you, all in support of our programs, services, and consumers.
- The Arc March – Advocates and donors alike join together for this event that educates the community and inspires opportunities for our consumers.
Want to learn more about our annual events? Check our events calendar for more information and join us when you can.
Become a Member
Choose your membership participation from four available levels of support. Your membership provides advocacy, mentorship, and education to our consumers and the community at large. By becoming a new member or renewing your membership with The Arc of East Central Iowa, your voice will speak for those who need your support.
Cell Phone Recycling
When you’re cleaning out your drawers and you find an idle or inactive cell phone, why not donate it for a cause?
Your donation turns into cash that supports our programs and services. Our Day Habilitation consumers box them up and send them to SmartPhone Recycling, which supports programs like ours through monetary donations. If you find a cell phone that’s ready to donate, bring them to our office.
HyVee’s Cash 4 Students Program
We are a participant in HyVee’s Cash 4 Students Program. Anytime that you shop at a Cedar Rapids or Marion HyVee or HyVee Drugstore save those receipts. Turn them into The Arc and we will turn them into cash for our daycare!
One Gift – for State of Iowa employees
The One Gift Program gives State of Iowa employees the opportunity to contribute to participating charitable agencies, such as The Arc of East Central Iowa, through payroll deduction. When you contribute to the One Gift Program, your donation stays in Iowa, where it helps your neighbors, friends, and family.
To make a pledge, simply print and complete the One Gift pledge form [PDF] and submit your signed form to your One Gift liaison or human resources associate.
The Arc of East Central Iowa – Agency Number 1070.
Planned Giving
Planned giving is an area of fundraising that refers to several specific gift types that can be funded with cash, equity, or property. Your attorney or accountant can help you establish planned giving opportunities to The Arc of East Central Iowa.
Stuff Etc. Donations
Get rid of the old and make room for the new, all while supporting The Arc! Take gently used clothing, accessories, and furniture to the Cedar Rapids Stuff Etc. and mention The Arc of East Central Iowa. When your items sell, The Arc receives 40% of the final sales price.
How to donate at Stuff Etc.
- No appointment is necessary for Stuff Etc. when you’re contributing to a nonprofit organization. Walk-in with your items and let the associate know you’re donating on behalf of The Arc of East Central Iowa.
- To control inventory, Stuff Etc. only accepts two bags or two boxes of clothing or small items per visit.
- Any items that can’t be accepted at Stuff Etc. may be donated to your local Goodwill.
United Way Donor Designation
If your employer takes part in a workplace United Way giving campaign, you can designate your donation to come straight to The Arc of East Central Iowa.
A minimum donation of $100 is required. Simply complete the United Way Donor Designation form [PDF] and turn it into your human resources team at the time of your pledge.
Wish List
To keep our programs and services running smoothly at our office, we also welcome donations from our Amazon Wish List. From paper products and snacks to office supplies, all of these items keep our team and consumers thriving.
Explore our wish list needs or visit our Amazon Wish List to get started!