Advocacy & Outreach
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For over 70 years, The Arc has been an advocacy organization made of members who support and defend the needs of individuals with intellectual disabilities.
That means that hundreds of members and interested friends have spoken up for those who can′t speak for themselves – children and adults with intellectual and related disabilities. Over time, that advocacy has brought people out of institutions and kept children and families intact – in the community.

″Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.″
Margaret Mead
Community Awareness Activities
The Arc of East Central Iowa is committed to community awareness and understanding of people who have developmental disabilities. Efforts to achieve this goal include activities including:
- Annual Awareness month
- The Arc March, our annual awareness walk
- Candidate Forums
- Legislative Day
- Letters to the editor
- Presentations to community groups
Legislative Advocacy
Join us at the table for every major public policy fight and advancement impacting the lives of people with disabilities. We still have work to do – but we know we can succeed with strong state and federal policy advocates working hand in hand with grassroots activists like you. Visit the Iowa Legislature website to find out who your legislators are today and contact them to advocate for the people we serve.
Information Requests
The Arc is your source for information and resources about living with an intellectual or developmental disability. Reach out to staff at 319-365-0487 if you have questions about:
- Estate needs
- Guardianship
- Individual Education Plans (IEP)
- Individual Service Plans (ISP)
- Legal assistance
- Residential planning
- State benefits
- Transportation
Creating strong relationships between people with and without developmental disabilities is one of our goals. We have experienced firsthand the difference it can make in everyone’s life. Contact The Arc of East Central to Iowa by email or call 319-365-0487 to learn about our mentorship opportunities.
Applying For SSI/SSDI – Please watch The Arc of East Central Iowa’s presentation with Frank Varvaris of Frank A. Varvaris & Associates as he speaks with us on applying for SSI/SSDI. Frank has been providing professional planning assistance and services to people who have disabilities and their families, since 1990. VIEW VIDEO
Estate Planning – Please watch The Arc of East Central Iowa’s presentation with Frank Varvaris of Frank A. Varvaris & Associates as he speaks with us on Estate Planning. Frank has been providing professional planning assistance and services to people who have disabilities and their families, since 1990. VIEW VIDEO
5 W’s of Voting – Please watch The Arc of East Central Iowa’s online presentation of The 5 W’s of Voting. This 15 minute video gives a brief overview of the history of voter rights for individuals diagnosed with a disability, the steps to register to vote, the process for voting, and why voting matters. VIEW VIDEO
Abuse Awareness Presentation – Please watch The Arc of East Central Iowa’s online presentation of Abuse. Focusing on the 5 areas of abuse for individuals diagnosed with a disability; physical, sexual, emotional, financial, and intimidation. This 12 minute video gives a brief overview of forms of abuse, examples of abuse, signs of abuse, and steps to help guide individuals on next steps. VIEW VIDEO
Sexual Assault & Grooming – The Arc of East Central Iowa and Riverview Center presents a training and Q & A on sexual assault and grooming of individuals diagnosed with a disability. We discuss the signs of sexual assault and grooming, risk increases for individuals diagnosed with a disability, and what support is available to help each individual and their family through the experience. Our goal is to increase awareness, stop sexual assault, and create an environment for individuals to heal from their experiences. VIEW VIDEO
Let’s Chat
A 10-minute series connecting individuals diagnosed with a disability, their caregivers, and community members with professionals on topics impacting the disability community.
- Let’s Chat with Grant Wood AEA
- Let’s Chat with HACAP (Hawkeye Area Community Action Program)
- Let’s Chat about IHH (Integrated Health Home)
- Let’s Chat about IBAT (Iowa Businesses Against Trafficking)
- Let’s Chat about Project SEARCH
- Let’s Chat about TSA Cares
- Let’s Chat about Customized Employment